444 Citigate/560 Dealership (D07-16-22-0025) - Development Tracker

444 Citigate/560 Dealership (D07-16-22-0025) #

Summary #

Application StatusFile Pending
Review StatusApplication File Pending
DescriptionThe City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to rezone the subject property IP [1219]-h (Business Park Industrial zone) to provision industrial blocks intended for Warehouse and Light Industrial use.
WardWard 3 - David Hill
Date Received2022-12-08
Status Updated2022-12-08

Files #

Adequacy Of Public Services2022-12-08 - Serviceability Report - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
Application Summary2023-02-03 - Application Summary - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
Architectural Plans2022-12-08 - Draft Plan of Subdivision & Zoning By-law Amendment - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
Environmental2022-12-08 - Environmental Impact Study - D07-16-22-0025 (2)Download PDF
Environmental2022-12-08 - Environmental Impact Study - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
Environmental2022-12-08 - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
Geotechnical Report2022-12-08 - Geotechncial Investigation - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
Surveying2022-12-08 - Topographic Plan - D07-16-22-0025 (2)Download PDF
Surveying2022-12-08 - Topographic Plan - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
Tree Information and Conservation2022-12-08 - Tree Conservation Report - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF
2022-12-08 - Technical Memorandum Traffic - D07-16-22-0025Download PDF