3387 Borrisokane (D07-16-16-0018) - Development Tracker

3387 Borrisokane (D07-16-16-0018) #

Summary #

Application StatusPost Approval
Review StatusAgreement Registered - Securities Held
DescriptionThe applicant proposes to develop a total of 211 residential units fronting on 7 streets, including 117 single detached dwellings and 94 townhouse dwellings. The proposed subdivision also includes 1 park block, 1 open space block (representing the flood plain), 1 school block, 1 stormwater management block and 1 commericial block. The subdivision will connect to the local arterial road, known as Borrisokane Road, and will connect with the street network within in the neighbouring development known as Half Moon Bay. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject lands from Development Reserve (DR) to Residential Third Density (R3YY[1909]), Open Space (O1), Local Commercial (LC) and Minor Institutional (1A) in order to accommodate the uses within the draft plan of subdivision.
WardWard 3 - David Hill
Date Received2016-10-03
Status Updated2016-10-03

Files #

Archaelogical AssessmentStage 1 and 2 Archaeological Study D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Architectural PlansDraft Plan of Subdivision without a school block D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Architectural PlansDraft Plan of Subdivision revision 1 D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Architectural PlansDraft Plan of Subdivision D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
EnvironmentalPhase 1 ESA D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Geotechnical ReportGeotechnical Study Revision 1 D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Geotechnical ReportGeotechnical Study D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Noise StudyNoise Study D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
PlanningPlanning Rationale D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Site ServicingServicing Brief Revision 1 D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Site ServicingServicing Brief D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Tree Information and ConservationEIS and TCR Revision 1 D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Tree Information and ConservationEIS and TCR D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Public Meeting Notice D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Integrated Environmental Review Revision 1 D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Integrated Environmental Review D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Community Transportation Study Revision 1 D07-16-16-0018Download PDF
Community Transportation Study D07-16-16-0018Download PDF