Ottawa (D02-02-14-0071) - Development Tracker

Ottawa (D02-02-14-0071) #

Summary #

Application StatusPost Approval
Review StatusOMB Package Sent
DescriptionCity Initiated - The purpose of the Montreal Road Arterial Mainstreet Zoning Review is to ensure the Zoning By-law is consistent with Official Plan policies in this area. Zoning By-law changes for building height, land use and other performance standards will be proposed where needed. For some properties, this may include adjustments to existing zones, or for others, creation of a new zone, subzone or exception provisions. Not all properties within the Zoning Review area will be rezoned. For example, some properties already comply with the land use and height permissions in the Official Plan. Other properties may not be candidates for rezoning due to location, use and built context along the street.
WardMultiple Wards
Date Received2014-06-03
Status Updated2014-06-03