236 Richmond (D02-02-13-0061) - Development Tracker

236 Richmond (D02-02-13-0061) #

Summary #

Application StatusInactive
Review StatusOMB Appeal Withdrawn - Application Approved
DescriptionThe purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to amend the existing Traditional Mainstreet Zone - TM[83]H(15) to Traditional Mainstreet Zone - TM[XXXX]H(32.5). The Exception would include the following: 1. To permit a maximum height of 32.5 metres (9 storeys) 2. To permit a corner side yard setback of 0 metres on Tweedsmuir Avenue 3. To permit a rear yard setback of 0.2 metres for the parking garage and a setback of 5.2 metres for the principle building 4. To eliminate the 45 degree angular plane restriction 5. To permit a reduced driveway aisle width of 5.8 metres 6. To permit 6 small car parking spaces The proposed development is a 9 storey, 32 metre, mixed-use building with 70 residential units and 4 commercial units on the ground floor facing Richmond Road. The proposed Gross Floor Area (GFA) is 6,319 square metres with 86% of the GFA devoted to residential and the remainder to commercial. A total of 60 parking spaces will be provided by a 3 level underground parking lo
WardWard 15 - Jeff Leiper
Date Received2013-06-28
Status Updated2013-06-28