Description | The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject lands from ‘Development Reserve’ (DR) to ‘Mixed-Use Centre’ (MC). The MC zone will be the parent zone found within the Zoning By-law (2008-250) with no exceptions proposed. Blocks 357, 359, 365 and 369 on the draft approved Plan of Subdivision (see ‘Related Planning Applications) and which forms part of the Feedmill Creek corridor and floodplain, are proposed to be rezoned from DR to Open Space (O1). These blocks will be transferred to the City through the related Plan of Subdivision application. The City’s transitway which bisects the property will be rezoned from DR to MC. Upon confirmation of the exact alignment of this transitway, the associated blocks of land will be transferred to the City and, if need be, the City will rezone the lands as required. |