1250 Richmond (D01-01-24-0009) - Development Tracker

1250 Richmond (D01-01-24-0009) #

Summary #

Application StatusActive
Review StatusComment Period in Progress
DescriptionThe purpose of this Secondary Plan is to guide development in the Lincoln Fields Station Area that complements the City’s Official Plan. The main objective of the secondary plan is to strategically locate density and amenities in proximity to the future Lincoln Fields O-Train Station and improve local mobility.
WardWard 7 - Theresa Kavanagh
Date Received2024-05-02
Status Updated2024-05-02

Files #

Application SummaryApplication Summary _ Lincoln Fields Secondary PlanDownload PDF
Architectural PlansLocation Map for Secondary Plan and Zoning Amendment - August 2024Download PDF
Architectural PlansDRAFT Lincoln Fields Schedule A - Designation PlanDownload PDF
Architectural PlansWhat is an Official Plan Amendment?Download PDF
Architectural PlansEn quoi consiste une modification du Plan officiel?Download PDF
Architectural PlansApplication Summary - Lincoln Fields Secondary PlanDownload PDF
Architectural PlansDraft Schedule B - Maximum Building Heights - Lincoln Fields Secondary PlanDownload PDF
Architectural PlansDraft Schedule A - Designation Plan - Lincoln Fields Secondary PlanDownload PDF
Architectural PlansDRAFT Policy Text - Lincoln Fields Secondary PlanDownload PDF
Architectural PlansEn quoi consiste une modification du Plan officielDownload PDF
Architectural PlansWhat is an Official Plan Amendment1Download PDF
Draft Lincoln Fields Schedule C - Mobility and ConnectivityDownload PDF
Draft Lincoln Fields Schedule B - Maximum Building HeightsDownload PDF